Meeting Schedule: November 9th (2016) and February 8th, May 10th, August 9th (2017)
Program Coordinator: Lori Switzer ( Franklin County Food Pantry), 850-653-3930
Collaborators: CareerSource Gulf Coast, First Baptist Church of Eastpoint, Carrabelle First United Methodist Church, UF/IFAS. FAMU/IFAS, Florida Department of Health, FarmShare, America's Second Harvest
The Hunger and Nutrition Committee engages the food pantries in Apalachicola (Franklin County Food Pantry, VWJ Community Service Center), Eastpoint (First Baptist Church of Eastpoint), Carrabelle (Carrabelle Food Pantry, First United Methodist Church) and Port St. Joe (CareerSource Gulf Coast, Washington Street Community Resource Center) with nutrition experts (UF/IFAS, FAMU/IFAS, Florida Department of Health), regional food networks (FarmShare, America's Second Harvest Food Bank), and community volunteers to maximize the supplemental food distributed to the region's most vulnerable people. Emphasis has been focused on three objectives: 1) collaboration and sharing resources to eliminate service disparities across the region, 2) providing nutritionally appropriate foods and education programs to plan and prepare meals, and 3) identifying senior citizens and disabled individuals who can not attend food distributions and developing strategies to ensure their needs are addressed.
FRANKLIN COUNTY FOOD PANTRY Distribution Schedule: First and third Tuesdays of each month (unless holidays) Coordinator: Lori Switzer, 850-653-3930 The Franklin County Food Pantry is located at the Community Service Center in Apalachicola and is open on Tuesdays from 9-12, twice a month or on an as needed basis. Food distributions average 350 bags and emergency food bags are made available on a daily basis. Additionally, the pantry provides large scale distributions in the neighboring community of Eastpoint which serves over 500 families. Weekly distributions of fresh produce are shared with the pantry in Port St. Joe, an additional 140 families. Franklin County also has a Food Pantry in Carrabelle which covers the eastern part of the county and a Food Pantry in Eastpoint. These pantries are located at the United Methodist Church in Carrabelle and at the First Baptist Church in Eastpoint. Since 2012 board members, staff and volunteers have worked collaboratively with the food pantries in Eastpoint, Carrabelle, and Port St. Joe. As a result, more supplemental food has been distributed in the last 45 months than ever before. In response to the current oyster crisis, Franklin’s Promise Coalition and its partners have coordinated the distribution of eleven tractor trailers of donated foods and have facilitated 24 major food drives completed by churches, businesses, state employees, schools and other non-profit partners from across the region. These efforts are valued at over $151,500 in additional resources. Food is received, unloaded, sorted, organized, housed and distributed at the Apalachicola site. The pantry receives excellent reports from America’s Second Harvest Food Bank for meeting the standards set regarding health, room temperature, refrigeration/freezer, dry food storage standards, record keeping/reporting etc. Please consider volunteering through Volunteer Connect. |
Franklin's Promise Coalition is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Visit us at 60 Island Drive, Eastpoint, FL 32328